Jim & Linda
Jim and I were both born and raised in Southeast Pennsylvania. We were married in 1980 and have two sons, James III born in 1982 and Jeremy born in 1984. Mission work was something that has always been close to our hearts. My parents had missionaries in our home as I was growing up, and Jim and I established the same habit in our home. We always felt that we wanted to be involved in giving and praying for missions and contemplated work on a short-term basis. God had other ideas.
In 1990, after hearing a mission representative speak at a send-off service at our small church, we knew that short-term mission trips were not our calling. God was calling us into full-time ministry. Through a series of events, God directed us to work with the Navajo people in New Mexico and Arizona. This has been our home for the past 28 years. For seven of those years Jim worked in radio, buildings and grounds, personal, and taught Precept Bible studies. I had the responsibility of the boys, and I aided Jim where ever I could. I also taught Precept Bible studies, home-schooled our boys, and taught at various times at the mission school. We started having families come to us and ask if I would teach their children as well. I declined, but God does have a sense of humor.
God moved us five miles down the road. He provided the land and the building, and we began teaching several different Precept classes at varying times and days. A year later, we opened the Precept Training Center Educational Ministry. We opened the doors to begin teaching children of all ages. Our program was a combination "Little House on the Prairie" one-room school house and a home-school setting rolled into one. This began 19 years of educating children from 2nd grade to 12th. Our students thrived in college settings, in the military, or wherever life took them. Over the last couple of years, we have felt the Lord closing the door to the educational ministry. In May 2019, we had our last session of class. Today, we continue teaching Bible studies, leading a Sunday morning fellowship, and helping local pastors and lay people use God's Word to minister to those around them.
So what does the future hold for the Maiorano's? That is a really good question that we do not have an answer to at this time. Jim and I hope and pray that we still have 20-30 years of service to further His kingdom if the Lord tarries that long. That is and has been our hearts' desire. We continue to seek Him and ask Him to show us His path as we seek to serve Him. We don't know whether the next phase of our lives will be here in Black Hat, NM, or somewhere else. We pray that we are open and willing to follow His leading.

God has called us to be His ambassadors - to take His Word to all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
Our Mission
To bring a message of salvation which can only be found in the Word of God. His Word brings hope to the hopeless, peace in the midst of chaos, and a deep abiding joy that surpasses the circumstances.
Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ - Romans 10:17

Our Vision
To go where God leads and bring the truth of His Word to the hearts of people. Young or old, here or abroad, people need the Lord, and they need His Word. We want to enable God's life-giving message to reach those who are seeking Him.
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. - Hebrews 11:6