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Beginning in Genesis, this class follows the pattern of covenant relationships throughout Scripture.  If you are God's child, you are in a covenant relationship with Him.  What does that mean?  What did He do for you, and what does He expect from you?  Many questions that you have had about God's part in your life will be answered through this study.  Many have come to understand that they are struggling with God because they have never entered His covenant.  Know for sure that you are His child, and that you are walking according to His will for your life.
Print out - Covenant Workbook
Class notes and videos







Covenant Tree - Blank
Covenant Tree - Completed

Lesson 3                Tabernacle
Lesson 4                  3-complete
Lesson 5                 4-complete
Lesson 6                  5 complete
Lesson 8                Ephraim/Man
Walk In Light

Dedicated to grounding people in the light of God's Word through Bible study, counseling, 

education  and practical living.


Phone: 505-409-8312


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