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Getting Involved
We need the prayers of God's people as we strive to serve Him in all we do. In I Peter 4:10-11 Peter exhorts us in this way.
"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
We are striving to be good stewards of the grace of God, speaking the utterances of God and serving in His strength and not our own. Having faithful prayer partners is vital to accomplish that. We would love to have you join our support team. If you feel so lead please let us know by filling in your email address below.
As with any ministry, it is the gifts of God's people that keeps the doors open, the heat on, and the lights burning. If God is laying it on your heart to give a monetary gift to this ministry, please click on the link below for information as to how that can be done. The PTC/Walk in Light Ministry is NOT a 501c3 organization, it is a Lordship ministry; therefore any gifts that are given are not tax deductible.
Giving to the PTC/Walk in Light Ministry
We enjoy having friends and family come and see the beauty of the area and see first hand the work of the ministry. Remember that we are in a transition period right now, so if you pop in you can see the Bible studies currently being held, possibly join in an excursion, depending on weather, to some of the people we work with, or go sight-seeing in some of the most beautiful country in the west.
Depending on the time of year there may be projects that need to be done. We live in the high desert, so it can be hot in the summertime and extremely cold in the winter. Work projects need to be accomplished when the weather is conducive. If you have any skills you would like to share, or some time you would like to give, you can contact us and see what projects may be coming up in the future. Click on the link below for contact information.
Contact us.
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