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#4 Goat on Rock 0073.jpg

Kiko Goats

Our goats enjoy soaking up the morning rays on the mesa tops.  What a peaceful sight!  We have a purebred New Zealand Kiko herd. 


These goats bring a strong genetic pool to improve the bloodlines of your established herd, or will make a great start for a new herd that will be genetically superior.  Our herd is registered and all kids are registerable.


Kikos are a new breed developed in New Zealand in 1980. Kikos are a cross  between feral (wild) goat does and dairy goat bucks like Nubian, Saanen, or Toggenburg.  This cross has produced an extremely hardy meat goat that gains substantial weight under natural conditions.  They are aggressive foragers and thrive under most conditions.  The does are capable of conceiving, carrying, and giving birth to multiple offspring with no intervention.  They tend to be resistant to internal parasites and other common problems that affect many breeds.

There is a great website listed below (the goat patch) with information about this incredible breed, but here are just a few highlights.  Through careful breeding and culling, they have been able to produce goats that are
- hardy
- parasite resistant
- good mothering skills and adequate milk supply (great tasting as well!)
- lean carcass with little waist
- less leg and hoof problems
- stocky body
- good udder attachment
- good mouths and teeth

They are a breed that is different from every other breed, so you can't compare them to other breeds and draw accurate conclusions.

- Kikos are taller than other meat goats and look leaner, but the scale and the butcher say different - they
  produce the same amount if not more than other meat goat breeds.
- Kikos come in a wide variety of colors and patterns in their bloodlines.  A white doe can give birth to a
  black kid and twins and triplets may not look anything alike.
- Kikos have a distinct slope to their rump.
- Kiko's eyes can be brown, blue, or white.
- Kiko's horns are very distinct.  They curl outwards and have distinct ridges around them and they are not
  afraid to us them to fight off enemies.

Adding Kikos to your herd can help improve health and meat production in the years to come.


Here are a couple of good websites to educate you on this remarkable breed.


Kiko Information Sheet - PDF - Printable

Star (12/27/23)
Purebred New Zealand

2025 Kids - For Sale

Our Kiko Does


Mavis (12/26/19)
Purebred New Zealand

Capers Jr (5/20/17)
Purebred New Zealand


Zinnia (2/17/21)
Purebred New Zealand

2023 Kids - Sold

2022 Kids - Sold

2021 Kids - Sold

Belle (5/12/24)
Purebred New Zealand
For Sale

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